Suicide and Older Adults: Protecting Those At Risk

Oregon has one of the highest suicide rates in the U.S., ranking 14th in the nation. While youth suicide prevention efforts have gained momentum in Central Oregon in recent years, such as through the Hope and Help Education Series, the older adult population is struggling. White men over the age of 85 have the second…

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Suicide and Older Adults: Protecting Those At Risk

Aging Together: Staying Connected and Finding Purpose in Later Life

Spring is a time of growth, and continuing to grow is an essential part of healthy aging. But it takes a community effort to ensure there are opportunities for growth in older age. In Central Oregon, more than a quarter of the population is over the age of 65. So how do we support healthy…

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Aging Together: Staying Connected and Finding Purpose in Later Life

Let 2019 Be a Year of Kindness

Make 2019 a year of kindness. Here are 5 things you can do to support the older adults in your neighborhood, family and community.

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Let 2019 Be a Year of Kindness

How to Keep Moving This Winter

Freezing temperatures don’t have to bring our bodies to a standstill. Staying active during the winter can be difficult, but there are plenty of creative ways to keep moving while staying warm and dry inside.

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How to Keep Moving This Winter